

Universal Dashboard Financial Charts
Darren Robinson
save_alt 466 downloads


PSGallery Version PSGallery Downloads

React-Stockcharts for Universal Dashboard.

Available in the PowerShell Gallery


Install direct from the PowerShell Gallery (Powershell 5.x and above)

install-module -name UniversalDashboard.UDFinancialChart


v1.0.3 Code Signed and 2 additional charts. Candle Stick Stock Scale Chart with Volume Bar and Candle Stick Chart with Edge.

v1.0.2 includes another 4 additional charts Candle Stick Chart with SAR, Candle Stick Chart with Gann Fan, OHLC Chart with Elder Ray Indicator and OHLC Chart with Elder Impulse Indicator.

v1.0.1 includes 4 additional charts Candle Stick Chart with MACD Indicator, Candle Stick Chart with RSIIndicator, Candle Stick Chart with Bollinger Band Overlay and Candle Stick Chart with MA.

v1.0.0 Candle Stick Chart with Full Stochastics Indicator, Moving Average Cross Over Algorithm V2 and Candle Stick Chart for Continuous IntraDay

Example Charts

Example Charts

Universal Dashboard Component Syntax

Default Chart (MovingAverageCrossOverAlgorithmV2)

New-FinancialChart -stockData "http://localhost:10010/StockData.csv"

MovingAverageCrossOverAlgorithmV2 Chart

New-FinancialChart -stockData "http://localhost:10010/StockData.csv" -chartType 'MovingAverageCrossOverAlgorithmV2'


(required) stockData - CSV delimited Stock Data

(case sensitvie and ordered) Header Columns are;

Date format MUST be dd-mm-yyyy (e.g 17-01-2017) except for CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay ( date format MUST be in <dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss> ). Days less than 10 must be 0 padded. e.g 01-12-2020 for 1 Dec 2020.
Transform the data using PowerShell something like this;

* 1 Year Stock History Data Transformation, remove double quotes, date into <dd-mm-yyyy> format
$1y | Select-Object | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "," | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '"', '' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '/', '-' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ',1-', ',01-' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ',2-', ',02-' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ',3-', ',03-' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ',4-', ',04-' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ',5-', ',05-' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ',6-', ',06-' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ',7-', ',07-' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ',8-', ',08-' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ',9-', ',09-' } | out-file -encoding ASCII "C:\chartdata\StockData.csv"

(optional) chartType - defaults to MovingAverageCrossOverAlgorithmV2 "CandleStickChartWithFullStochasticsIndicator", "MovingAverageCrossOverAlgorithmV2", "CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay"

Stock Data is retrieved from a local URL

Requires a small NodeJS WebServer to serve up the Stock Data Files. Makes it easy to reference the data Example


node server.js <path_to_stockdata> port


node server.js 'C:\chartdata' 10010 

Example Universal Dashboard

import-module UniversalDashboard.Community
import-Module UniversalDashboard.UDFinancialChart

Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard

$Theme = New-UDTheme -Name "darrenjrobinson" -Definition @{
    '.dropdown-content'                                                                                 = @{
        'min-width' = '450px'
    '.btn-floating'                                                                                     = @{
        'background-color' = '#26a69a'
    '.collection .collection-item'                                                                      = @{
        'line-height' = '1.0rem'
        'padding'     = '5px 10px';
    '.ud-grid'                                                                                          = @{
        'color' = '#ffab40'
    '.card, .card-panel'                                                                                = @{
        'color' = '#ffab40' 
    '.card .card-action a:not(.btn):not(.btn-large):not(.btn-small):not(.btn-large):not(.btn-floating)' = @{
        'color' = '#ffab40' 
} -Parent DarkDefault

$myDashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "darrenjrobinson.com - Universal Dashboard Custom Financial Chart Component" -Content {    
    New-UDLayout -Columns 3 -Content {  
        New-UDRow -Id "FinChart1" -Endpoint {      
            New-UdHtml -Markup "<b>Symbol:</b> FXL 3Y - CandleStickChartWithFullStochasticsIndicator</br>" 
            New-UDRow -Id "CandleStickChartWithFullStochasticsIndicator" -Endpoint {                        
                New-FinancialChart -stockData "http://localhost:10010/FXL-AX-3y.csv" -chartType CandleStickChartWithFullStochasticsIndicator
        New-UDRow -Id "FinChart2" -Endpoint {      
            New-UdHtml -Markup "<b>Symbol:</b> FXL 1Y - MovingAverageCrossOverAlgorithmV2</br>" 
            New-UDRow -Id "MovingAverageCrossOverAlgorithmV2" -Endpoint {                        
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
                New-FinancialChart -stockData "http://localhost:10010/FXL-AX-1y.csv" -chartType MovingAverageCrossOverAlgorithmV2
        New-UDRow -Id "FinChart3" -Endpoint {  
            New-UdHtml -Markup "<b>Symbol:</b> FXL Live - CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay</br>"     
            New-UDRow -Id "CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay" -Endpoint {                        
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                New-FinancialChart -stockData "http://localhost:10010/FXL-AX-LiveData.csv" -chartType CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay
        } -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 25 # Refresh the Graph
} -Theme $Theme

Start-UDDashboard -ListenAddress -Port 11000 -Dashboard $myDashboard -Force



Install-Module UniversalDashboard.UDFinancialChart


Last Updated

Thursday, June 18, 2020


universaldashboard ud-component powershell react-stockcharts stockcharts PSEdition_Core PSEdition_Desktop


Darren Robinson